At AUM you can expect personalised, dedicated staff helping you through every step of your cancer journey
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A/Prof Daniel Moon is a urologist with particular expertise in robotic surgery for prostate and kidney cancer. He was the Director of Robotic Surgery at Epworth Healthcare 2012-2017 and is an Associate Professor at The University of Melbourne. He was the first Victorian surgeon to perform over 2000 robotic procedures, published the first Australian series of laparoscopic radical prostatectomy in 2008, performed the first Australian robotic cysto-prostatectomy in 2009, published the largest Australian pyeloplasty series in 2011, and established a robotic partial nephrectomy program at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, publishing the first Australian series of this procedure in 2014, then the largest Australian partial nephrectomy series in 2018.
A/Prof Moon is regularly involved in National and International scientific meetings since convening Australia’s first robotic surgical masterclasses in 2011 (prostate cancer) 2012 (kidney cancer), and 2013 (multi-disciplinary workshop). He has developed comprehensive training and credentialing documents for surgeons learning robotic surgery, is involved in fellowship training in robotics and has served on the Editorial Board of the British Journal of Urology International.
At the other end of the cancer spectrum, A/Prof Moon offers help for men regaining quality of life after prostate cancer treatment. He has developed a high volume urological prosthetics practice, restoring continence and potency in men following prostate cancer treatment. After co-authoring the first multicentre Australian series of suburethral male slings he published the largest Australian series of artificial urinary sphincter insertion in 2014, then the largest Australian experience in penile implant surgery in 2017 for erectile dysfunction.
A/Prof Moon has played a pioneering role in developing Urological cancer surgery.
Browse through his achievements and milestones below:
2023 - first Victorian surgeon to perform more than 2000 robotic cases
2022 - Second author on world first series proving the use of PSMA PET scans in the diagnosis of prostate cancer - which won “best scientific paper published in European Urology”
2018 - First Australian surgeon to receive certification as robotic surgery educator by European Robotic Urological Society (ERUS)
2017 - Published the largest Australian series of robotic partial nephrectomy
2017 - Published the largest Australian series of penile prosthesis insertion to restore sexual function
2017 - Published the largest Australian series of male sling insertion to improve bladder control after prostate cancer surgery
2016, 2014, 2012, 2010 - Created then convened the National Bladder and Kidney Cancer Symposium
2015 - Published the first Australian report of robotic partial nephrectomy (keyhole removal of kidney cancers with preservation of the kidney)
2014 - Published the largest Australian series on artificial urinary sphincter insertion (for restoration of urinary control)
2013 - Convenor of the first Australian multidisciplinary robotic surgical symposium
2011 - Published the largest Australian series of keyhole surgery for kidney reconstruction (pyeloplasty)
2010 - Commenced/led the first Australian robotic kidney cancer surgery program at Peter MacCallum
2009 - Performed first single incision keyhole kidney removal in Australia
2009 - Performed the first robotic surgery for bladder cancer in Australia
2008 - Published first Australian series of keyhole prostate cancer removal
• Awarded Honorary Fellowship of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow - FRCS (Glasg)
• Co-author on paper awarded “Best scientific paper published in European Urology in 2022”
For paper titled:
Stereotactic Radiotherapy and Short-course Pembrolizumab for Oligometastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma- The RAPPORT Trial
• Co-author on paper awarded “Best scientific paper published in European Urology in 2021”
For paper titled:
The Additive Diagnostic Value of Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography to Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging Triage in the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer (PRIMARY): A Prospective Multicentre Study.
• Co-author on paper receiving British Journal of Urology International Global Prize at Urological Society Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Gold Coast, Australia
For paper titled:
Sepsis and Superbugs: Should we favour the transperineal over the
transrectal approach for prostate biopsy?
• Third placed, “Best Video” at European Association of Urology Annual Scientific Meeting, Paris, France
For paper titled:
Laparoscopic management of urinary tract trauma is feasible in many circumstances: a multi-institution perspective
• Second placed, “Best Poster” in Reconstructive Urology session at Urological Society Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Darwin, Australia
For paper titled:
What is the place of the Artificial Urinary Sphincter in 2012
• “Best Poster” at Australia and New Zealand Nurses Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Darwin, Australia
For paper titled:
Patient outcomes following surgical management of post-prostatectomy incontinence
• AMS travelling scholarship (to enable further training in the placement of urologic prostheses)
• Marshall Prize for clinical research (Monash Medical Centre)
For paper titled:
Feasibility of early catheter removal following radical prostatectomy
• Alban Gee Prize at Urological Society of Australasia Annual Scientific Meeting for best poster presentation.
For paper titled:
The impact of trans-urethral prostate surgery on the morbidity of I-125 seed brachytherapy
• Sir Gordon-Taylor Prize for 1st place Australia and New Zealand in RACS First part MCQ examination
Ranked 1st of 172 completing MB,BS at Monash University
Academic Prizes:
• The Alfred Hospital Residents and Graduates Association Prize
• The Australian Medical Association Prize
• The Sir Edward Hughes Medal for surgery
• The Royal Australasian College of Physicians State Committee Prize for clinical medicine
• The Harry Hindlip-Green Scholarship in medicine
• Awarded AMA Medical Officer of Health prize for health promotion project with greatest community impact.
• Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand
• Royal Australian College of Surgeons
• American Urological Association
• Society of Robotic Surgery
Sarah Moon - Clinical Nurse Consultant
With over 15 years experience Sarah offers the highest possible standard of nursing care.
Career Overview:
After completing a Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Applied Science (psychology) in 2008, Sarah began working at Cabrini Health across urology, gynaecology, plastic surgery and ENT surgical wards. It was at Cabrini she developed a passion for urology, specifically men undergoing treatment for prostate cancer. She now has 15 years experience in urology holding roles as a clinical research coordinator, clinical nurse educator and associate nurse manager and has gained expertise in clinical research, general urology, prostate cancer and urological prosthetics.
In 2023 she completed a Master of Applied Science (Urology) with a special interest in prostate cancer, its treatments and side effects particularly incontinence and sexual dysfunction.
Sarah is a proud member of Australia and New Zealand Urology Nurses (ANZUNS) and has presented at multiple esteemed urology conferences including USANZ/ANZUNS and APCC
She is currently working in a dual role as a clinical nurse consultant at Cabrini health and for Advanced Urology Melbourne (AUM).
Get in touch:
03 9967 0198
Call us on 03 9967 0198 or use our contact form to send us your details. We will get in touch to arrange your initial consultation appointment.
When making a booking, please let our friendly staff know if you would prefer an in-person or telehealth appointment.
We are conveniently located opposite Cabrini Hospital Malvern at 198 Wattletree Road, Malvern with parking on site.
Also consulting at:
134 Bay st, Brighton with parking on site
Telehealth consultations available upon request
Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time as there can be some documentation to attend to before your appointment.